Are All Service Providers Licensed and Have the Rights to the Original Software Tools?

September 12, 2023
Are All Service Providers Licensed and Have the Rights to the Original Software Tools?

Today the most common names in the service market are the Fulllancers and the Freelancer offering solutions to its customers from all around the world. You can see numerous organizations and people functioning in this terminology rendering their exceptional skills and expertise concerning a particular tool, machinery, or software solution all around the world. But the question arises whom to trust? and who all are licensed and have the right tools of operation? This is the major concern of the business while approaching an external third party for your in-house operations and requirements. In the case of the Fulllancers, the business need not be worried about all these aspects as there are certified and licensed organizations rendering their expert employees for the service requirements of customer business.

Today the Fulllancers operate as a higher form of service provider over the Freelancers that are available in the market offering exceptional experts and services based on the functional needs of the business of the customers. The Freelancer operations are unsupervised and self-managed operations that are not very effective and have various misplaced constraints of operations which will lead to unsuccessful project implementation. The Freelancers are the ones who are available in plenty, however, the quality and the reliability of their operations are on the lower side compared to the Fulllancers in the aspects of the services provided to the business. Moreover, choosing a Fulllancer will be always beneficial for the business as it can bring out the best and most successful service being provided to the business.

The Fulllancers are organizations who have the direct license of the software or the product services and they always ensure to keep it updated and renewed based on the operational and functional needs. Moreover, the experts that are being employed by the Fulllancer organization are always trained with regular sessions making them knowledgeable on the new trends and the operations of the tools, software, and equipment. In addition, they have a dedicated management team which will ensure that all the operations are running smoothly as per the satisfaction of the customers. This means that the customer business need not be worried about any of the functional management of the experts being hired from the Fullancer business. All the services are delivered at the right time, ensuring and sticking to the agreements that are being defined.

However, in the case of the functioning of Freelancers, most of them operate lethargically without prior indication of the stages of the project and its operation. There is no license for a freelancer in the operations of certain software and tools which will cater to the functional needs of customers and most of them are not certified by the software providers. This means the business is rendering the service from an unauthorized as well as non-licensed service provider which might cause further legal as well as functional problems in the operations of the business.

Additionally, they will never provide information to the business managers and the management team on the operations of the project, more the entire functioning will be opaque to them until the project is completed. In addition, as there is no superior authority monitoring the entire operation of the project being conducted by the Freelancer in an organization there will be compromises on the quality and standard which will affect the business operations. As most of the businesses hiring these Freelancers have no idea of the technology or the functional aspects of specific software or a tool the chances of them getting cheated as well as provided with low-quality and efficient solutions is higher. The quality and efficient management aspects in regard to the Freelancer operations are almost null as there aren't any.

In conclusion, in a conflict between the decision-making on whether to hire a Fulllancer organization or a Freelancer for a project in an organization, it's always better to go ahead with the Fulllancers. As they are reliable, certified, licensed, and capable of undergoing the complete management of the project operation without impacting the operation of a business.

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