Hypertext Markup Language

What is Hypertext Markup Language 

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the foundation of web pages. It's a standardized markup language used to structure and define the content of web pages. Imagine it as the skeleton of a website, holding everything together and providing the basic framework for information.

Here's a breakdown of key aspects of HTML:

What it does

  • Defines structure: Creates sections, headings, paragraphs, lists, and other elements to organize content.
  • Embeds media: Includes images, videos, and audio within the web page.
  • Links content: Enables hyperlinks for users to navigate between different web pages.
  • Provides basic styling: Defines basic visual elements like font size, color, and alignment.

Benefits of using HTML

  • Easy to learn: HTML has a relatively simple syntax, making it accessible for beginners.
  • Widely supported: All web browsers understand and interpret HTML, ensuring universal compatibility.
  • Foundation for other technologies: HTML serves as the base for web development, often combined with CSS and JavaScript for advanced features.
  • Flexible and versatile: Can be used to create various types of web pages, from simple blogs to complex applications.
How it works

HTML uses tags to mark up different parts of the content. For example, <p> represents a paragraph, and <h1> signifies a heading.

These tags are surrounded by <> symbols and provide instructions to the browser on how to display the content.

Attributes can be added to tags for further customization, like specifying font color or image source.

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